Chandler, M. T.2021-11-032021-11-031976Chandler, M. T. (1976) Reducing pesticide hazards to honey bees in tropical East Africahttp:// in print form, East Africana collection, Dr Wilbert Chagula Library (EAF FOS C35.R4)PANS is published as a quarterly journal to keep workers in the developing countries informed of the latest advances in all aspects of crop protection. Reviews, articles and news of important developments of wide interest in any field of pest control with particular relevance to the tropics are invited. A guide for authors and typists is found in PANS 19(2): 307—309 and is available on request from the editors of PANS. The guide is updated once a year and alterations are published in the Notices section of PANS in the first issue of each volume. The responsibility for the contents of published articles rests with the authors and the opinions expressed therein are not necessarily those of COPR. Queries regarding particular articles and requests for reprints should be directed to individual authors. The subscription rate for PANS is £12.00 per annum post free by surface mail or £3.00 for individual numbers. The cost of PANS supplied by airmail is £19.00 per annum. COPR is also glad to exchange PANS with publications (not necessarily in English) of organisations working on any aspect of pest control. Copies are available free of charge to government and educational establishments and research institutes in countries eligible for British aid. Free copies cannot normally be addressed to individuals by name but only under their official titles.enPesticide hazards to honeyReducing pesticide hazards to honey bees in tropical East AfricaArticle