Fosbrooke, Henry A2021-09-292021-09-291988Fosbrooke, Henry A. (1988)Papers in support of consultant's memo eviction of pastoralist from Mkomazi Game Reservehttp:// in Print form, East Africana Collection, Dr Wilbert Chagula Library, ( EAF FOS F47)1. The Pastoralists Lost Land, Mkomazi 1882 2. German Map 1911 showing 3 Maasai bomas 3 The Maasai of Same district Senior Sociologist's Report, Arusha October 1951 4. Eviction of Pastoralists from Game Reserves Paper cuttings, Sept. 1988, October 1989 5. Pastoralists Removed from Mkomazi Paper cutting, 15th June, 1988 6. Letter from Vatibu Mkuu, Arthi, Maliasi1i and Utali Ref. GD 18/R/8/226 of I3/U/I988 7. Offprint of Map from Tanzania Atlas 197^ Tsetse Fly and Sleeping Sickness (Handeni District) 8. List of Pastoralists and their Livestock lost through hunger and loss of grazing 20/J.|/89 9. List of Maasai, villagers of KIVI.NGO, who are born residents of the village (dated 2/8/91)enPastoralistsMkomazi Game Reserve (Tanzania)Papers in support of consultant's memo eviction of pastoralist from Mkomazi Game ReserveArticle