Ngonyani, Stephania2020-04-192020-04-192018Ngonyani, S. (2018). A history of national health care provision policies in Tanzania: a case of Kilolo district, 1960s – 1980s. Master dissertation, University of Dar es Salaam. in print form, East Africana Collection, Dr. Wilbert Chagula Library, Class mark (THS EAF RA412.5.T34N456)This study explores the history of national health care provision policies in Tanzania by focusing on Kilolo district from the 1960s to 1980s. Specifically, the study investigates how the national health care provision policies were implemented and the challenges encountered during their implementation at the district level. By drawing on biomedical and political economy theoretical frameworks, the study has established that the absence of health specific policy from the early years of independence to the 1980s should not be taken as the lack of programmes to resolve health issues of the population. On the contrary, the government introduced various disease treatment and vaccination programmes, as well as health campaigns like “Man is Health” and “Food is Life.” In a nutshell, the government incorporated health into the Nation’s Development Plans and recognized health as an important aspect in eradication of poverty and thus enhancing economic development. However, the provision of health services in the district faced various challenges such as lack of drugs, equipment and personnel; cultural and geographical barriers, and long distance to health facilities. The evidence for the findings comes from government documents; archival; and secondary and oral sources obtained from different offices, health facilities, archives, libraries and the people of Kilolo district. The significance of this study is that it modestly contributes to the growing body of historical literature that links health and disease to a wider socio-economic, political and cultural context.enNational Health ServicesPolicyKilolo, 1960's - 1980'sTanzaniaA history of national health care provision policies in Tanzania: a case of Kilolo district, 1960s – 1980s.Thesis