Savutu, Goodluck2020-04-032020-04-032012Savutu, G (2012), Export strategies and performance of cut- flowers sector in Tanzania, Master dissertation, University of Dar es Salaam. Dar es Salaamhttp:// in print form, East Africana Collection, Dr. Wilbert Chagula Library, Class mark (THS EAF SB443.4.T34S28)This study analyzed the Export Strategies and Performance of Cut-Flowers Scctor in Tanzania. The study deployed a regression analysis in which cut flower export performance was assumed to be determined by the Production and quality strategies, international channel of distribution strategy, pricing policy strategy and promotion strategy. The observation showed strong export strategies offered more room for firm to exert at their conventional levels than other firms. Cut flower export firms could choose to ride the export strategies, exploiting them to gain more market share and advance their firms. By having health interaction of these strategies, firms could also choose to position themselves in the market. The study identified the importance of trade as a major influence molding the shape of cut-flower sub-sector of Tanzania, the nature and magnitude of trade barriers affecting the export of cut-flowers, the efforts undertaken in the past - and planned for the future - aimed at reducing trade barriers and the policy measures which both Tanzanian Government and the importing countries could consider adopting in order to increase the export performance of cut-flowersenHotcultural productsCut flower industryCut flowersExportsTanzaniaExport strategies and performance of cut- flowers sector in TanzaniaThesis