Thadey, Palme2020-05-022020-05-022016Thadey, P. (2016) The politics of prevention and control of counterfeit pharmaceuticals in Tanzania: the case of Tanzania food and drugs authority, Master dissertation, University of Dar es Salaam, Dar es Salaam. in print form, East Africana Collection, Dr. Wilbert Chagula Library, Class mark (THS EAF HF 1040.9.T34T52)Counterfeit pharmaceuticals are now a global chronic threat which has also affected Tanzania. Effective prevention and control of counterfeit pharmaceuticals is essential for protecting individual health, economies of the state and companies and for gaining public trust and confidence in government. However, the problem has not yet attracted sufficient intellectual attention. Therefore, this study was conducted to examine the politics of prevention and control of counterfeit pharmaceuticals in Tanzania. The main objective was to examine the nature and dimensions of the causes of ineffective state regulatory mechanisms for the prevention and control of counterfeit pharmaceuticals in Tanzania. The study employed qualitative approach based on institutional theory. Data was collected through face to face interviews and document review followed by content analysis. The study revealed that the existing legal and policy frameworks had loopholes which affected coordination, enforcement and implementation of regulatory activities. Weak administrative capacity manifested by inadequate financial, personnel and technological resources, existence of corruption and undue political influence on activities of the regulatory agency were also revealed. The study also found that lack of awareness amongst citizen led to ineffective public participation in prevention and control of counterfeit pharmaceuticals. Lastly, the study found that the government has not invested enough to deal with counterfeit pharmaceuticals. The study recommends that the government should ensure that laws and policy mechanisms for prevention and control of counterfeit pharmaceuticals are viable and enforceable, and strengthen the administrative capacity of the agency. Moreover, the government should strengthen public participation by conscientising citizens on the impact of counterfeit pharmaceuticals and helping people to distinguish counterfeit from genuine pharmaceuticals. Lastly, the challenges of political interference and accountability should be addressed. Therefore, administrative, legal, policy and participation challenges have caused ineffectiveness of the state regulatory mechanisms for the prevention and control of counterfeit pharmaceuticals in Tanzania.enProduct cenntrefetingConnterfeiting and lunnterfeitingTanzaniaThe politics of prevention and control of counterfeit pharmaceuticals in Tanzania: the case of Tanzania food and drugs authorityThesis