Alfred, Agaba JuliusAisu, Delilah2020-04-012020-04-012012Alfred, A. J.; Aisu, D. (2012). Mining and exploration handbook Tanzania. Tanzania Extractive Industries Transparency Initiative (TEITI), Tanzania. joined the Extractive Industries Transparency Initiative EITI in February 2009, following a recommendation as part of the 2007 Mineral Sector Review Study. A multi-Stakeholder Working Group (MSG) was established to lead the implementation of the EITI in Tanzania and comprised of representatives from civil society organizations, extractive companies and Government. The overall objectives of the EITI reconciliation exercise are; to aid the Government of Tanzania in identifying the positive contribution that mineral resources are making to economic and social development of the country and to realize their potential through improved resources governance that encompasses and fully implements the principles and criteria of the Extractive Industries Transparency Initiative EITI.enExtractive Industries Transparency Initiative (EITI)Mineral sectorTanzania and oil and gas sectorNational natural gas policyMining handbookTanzaniaMining and exploration handbook TanzaniaBook