Ado, Aminu Saidu2020-01-152020-01-152010Ado, A . S (2010). The role of the university of Dar es salaam in the development of ujamaa in Tanzania (1967 — 1991) Available in print form, East Africana Collection, Dr. Wilbert Chagula Library, Class mark (THS EAF LG468.D3A36)This study is born out of the desire to explore the role of the University of Dar es Salaam (UDSM) in the development of Ujamaa in Tanzania because in spite of the contributions of the University of Dar es Salaam in promoting the philosophy of Ujamaa in the history. of Tanzania, its role in the development of the system has not been adequately represented by writers and scholars alike. In carrying out the study, information (data) was obtained from oral interviews as well as from documentary sources. Result from the analysis has shown that the University of Dar es Salaam had indeed contributed to the development of not only the Ujamaa ideology but also to the nationalist era before it. It has also been shown that among the paramount contributions include provision of small and high level manpower initially for the newly independent Tanganyika nation and later towards becoming a socialist nation. Other areas include Africanisation and socialization of the curriculum and in the volume of socialist literature produced by the academic staff of the University for the benefit of the nation. A host of the directors, commissioners, advisors, etc. employed by Nyerere as part of the brain tank in the actualization of Ujamaa policies came from the University of Dar es Salaam. In all, the contribution of the University of Dar es Salaam to the development of Ujamaa in Tanzania was much more wider than what has been presented in this research work, and, thus, it is the hope of the researcher that a much more comprehensive research at a higher level will be conducted in the near future to tackle aspects not treated in this work.enUniversity of Dar es SalaamSocialismHistoryTanzaniaThe role of the university of Dar es salaam in the development of ujamaa in Tanzania (1967 — 1991)Thesis