Fosbrooke, Henry A2021-10-022021-10-021980Fosbrooke, Henry A. (1980) The Maasai Gift Stock Scheme 1940 - 1944http:// in Print form, East Africana Collection, Dr Wilbert Chagula Library, ( EAF FOS F34)The following case study is recorded to exemplify how an indigenous socio-political system can function and adapt itself to aset of extraneous circumstances which it had not boon developed to handle. ”It concerns the contribution of the Tanzania Maasai to the war effort in the 1939 - 1944 period. The background to the scheme is drawn from the writer's own recollections, but the course of events is recorded by Verbatim extracts from the provincial Commissioners, Annual Reports, which were printed year by year and are available for reference in the African section of the University Library, Dar es SalaamenGift Stock SchemeMasai (African people)indigenousloliondoThe Maasai Gift Stock Scheme 1940 - 1944Article