Mananga, Sikudhani Iddi2020-01-232020-01-232018Mananga, S. I. (2018). Contribution of village community banks to Horticultural farmers’ incomes in Tanzania: the case of Kivule ward Ilala municipal. Master dissertation, University of Dar es Salaam. in print form, East Africana Collection, Dr. Wilbert Chagula Library, Class mark (THS EAF HN49.C6T34M362)Village Community Banks (VICOBA) play an essential role in raising income from low-income family including horticultural farmers. This study aimed to find out whether VICOBA has significantly contributed to generating income of horticulture farmers. The study used cross-sectional research design whereby 66 VICOBA respondents selected randomly from Kivule ward. Primary data collected using questionnaires, focus group discussions and key informant interviews while secondary data collected through various office all documents related to horticultural activities and VICOBA in the Ilala Municipality. The primary information collected was related to; the number of horticultural farmers engaged in horticulture, people who involved in the businesses, income from horticultural business, income obtained through the VICOBA, challenges experienced, laws and regulations governing horticulture and VICOBA and number of registered and unregistered VICOBA. Other information includes types of crops, quantity produced and concentrated area for agriculture. were obtained from Municipal Agriculture Irrigation and Cooperative Official (MAICO) at Ilala municipality and Kivule ward Agriculture Extension Official. Data analyzed and presented in forms of graph, charts, and tables regarding the descriptive in percentages and group mean using Independent samples t-test. Results indicated that, there are significant mean difference between farmer's income with VICOBA (M=535,600, SD= 132,295.95) and farmer's with Non VICOBA (M= 477,450.00, SD= 159,729.312) with condition of t(2.278) = 130, P-value = 0.024.These results suggest VICOBA had significantly influenced the performance of generating income, when farmers joined VICOBA, their income performance tends to increase compared to Non-VICOBA. Other significant findings include income generated from VICOBA help farmers to buy food, paying school fees, buying or renting land, buying various farm inputs, paying labors, paying transport for inputs and yield harvests. Moreover, it revealed that most of the people associated with horticultural farming belong to low-income families whose revenue from horticulture farming helped improve the standard of living. The findings obtained regarding entire study indicate the low-income families who are the member of VICOBA generate more income than non-members, which help to increase family spending, reduce the level of poverty and vulnerability, increase skills and knowledge on farming, etc. Furthermore, studies also suggest increasing productivity and reduce knowledge gap through training, affect close follow-up to VICOBA members for compliance purpose, increase the number of registered VICOBA through continuous community sensitization and leaders may seek assistance from higher levels on challenges, which are beyond their capacity.enCommunity developmentCommunity banksFarmers incomeIlala municipalityTanzaniaVillage Community Banks (VICOBA)Contribution of village community banks to Horticultural farmers’ incomes in Tanzania: the case of Kivule ward Ilala municipal.Thesis