Tanzania Minerals Audit Agency (TMAA)2020-03-162020-03-162013Tanzania Minerals Audit Agency (TMAA) (2013).Tanzania Minerals Audit Agency: Annual report 2013http:// report covers results of auditing activities performed by Tanzania Minerals Audit Agency (TMAA) in the year 2013. It also addresses status of implementation of the audit program and highlights key findings and achievements. The task of auditing quantity and quality of mineral products from the major mines was comprehensively undertaken by TMAA in 2013. Gold output (from gold bars and Copper Concentrate products) by the major gold mines in 2013 was the same as the previous year at 1.25 million troy ounces. Geita Gold Mine (GGM) was the leading gold producer in 2013 with 37% of total production.enMining auditingMineral productsMineral exportsMining annual report 2013Medium and small scale minersTanzania Minerals Audit Agency: Annual report 2013Technical Report