Mwashiga, George Changa2020-05-262020-05-262005http:// in print form, East Africana Collection, Dr. Wilbert Chagula Library, Class mark (THS EAF Z675.S3M92)This study assessed the status of Libraries in Military Secondary Schools in Tanzania Mainland and Zanzibar. In the study it was observed that the development of secondary school libraries in the studied areas is not synonymous focusing on the following elements of school libraries; the facility to house the information sources or instructional materials, (accommodation); a wide range of information sources to support the school and program; adequate staffing to permit the facilities and information sources to be used to the maximum degree of effectiveness; adequate furniture and equipment for the utilization of the information sources; adequate finance to support the operations and services of the Library. A combination of methods was used to collect data for this study, including; Questionnaire, Observation and Face-to-Face Interviews. Eighty (80) respondents participated in this study: including, sixty (60) students, ten (10) teachers and ten (10) school librarians (attendants) from five selected secondary schools. The respondents were conveniently and purposively selected. The study founded that while there has been an enormous expansion of secondary level education in Tanzania, yet not much has been done to develop secondary schools Libraries, to complement classroom teaching and promote independent learning. The study recommends that secondary school libraries should be an integral part of the learning process in secondary school to enhance the quality of teaching and learning, alter students to read widely, beyond the teacher's notes and textbooks.enSchool libraries-TanzaniaProspectsConstraintsMillitary secondary schools (Tanzania)Assessment of the role and current status of school libraries in selected military secondary schools in Tanzania mainland and Zanzibar: prospects and constraintsThesis