Sondasy, Friday2020-04-202020-04-202017Sondasy, F (2017), The contribution of vocational education and training to employment creation in Tanzania: A Study of Mtwara Municipality, Master dissertation, University of Dar es Salaam. Dar es Salaamhttp:// in print form, East Africana Collection, Dr. Wilbert Chagula Library, Class mark (THS EAF LC1047.T34S66)The study investigated the contribution of Vocational Education and Training (VET) to employment creation in Mtwara Municipality. The study was guided by three specific objectives, namely to examine qualifications of the teachers to determine their effective teaching and ability; to assess students’ competences; to examine the scope and relevance of the vocational education and training in relation to employment creation; and to identify the problems facing vocational education and training (VET) in Mtwara Municipality. The study employed the qualitative research approach and a case study design. Data were obtained from 77 respondents, including one Regional Education Officer, 2 Municipal Education Officers (Primary and Secondary Education), one College Principal, and one Director for VETA Zonal Office, 2 zonal VETA board members, 10 teachers, 10 VET graduates, 40 continuing students, and 10 parents. Purposive and simple random sampling techniques were used to select the respondents. Methods of collecting data were face to face interviews, focus group discussions, documentary review and observation. Qualitatively data was subjected to content analysis. The main study findings revealed that the majority of VET trainers employed by the VET centre were those with low academic qualifications. The VET graduates were not able to compete in the labour market because most of them had low experience. Training needs-assessment was not properly implemented at the VET centre. The findings also showed that VET skills provided did not enable the graduates to secure employment. Lastly, the findings show that there was inadequacy of teaching and instructional materials in the VET centre. The study recommends that the government, through MoEVT, should emphasize sustainable employment promotion as a national priority agenda, raise trainees’ awareness of the VET programmes, and ensure that all teachers with low academic qualifications do upgrade in order to meet the required qualifications. The study also recommends similar studies to be conducted in areas not covered by this study.enVocational educationEmploymentMtwara MunicipalityTanzaniaThe contribution of vocational education and training to employment creation in Tanzania: A Study of Mtwara MunicipalityThesis