Mpagike, Tito2020-04-212020-04-212017Mpagike, T (2017) An assessment of the use of mobile phone as learning tool among college students in kinondoni district , Master dissertation, University of Dar es Salaam. Dar es Salaamhttp:// in print form, East Africana Collection, Dr. Wilbert Chagula Library, Class mark (THS EAF LB1044.84.T34M62The study is about an assessment of the use of mobile phone as learning tool among college students in Kinondoni District, Tanzania. The objectives of the study were to: Determine whether college students posses and use mobile phone in colleges, Assess the way college students use mobile phone as learning tool and Explore respondents’ views on the more appropriate ways of using mobile phone as learning tool among college students. Participants of the study were 10 college teachers and 100 college students selected through simple random sampling, stratified random sampling and purposeful sampling. The study adopted mixed method approach in concurrent embedded research design and collected information through questionnaires, interviews and FGDs. Descriptive analysis and content analysis were employed to analyze quantitative data and qualitative data respectively. The findings from the study revealed that, all sampled college students possessed and used mobile phones in colleges. From the sample, 70 out of 100 sampled students utilized limitedly their mobile phones as learning tools through, searching for education materials through the internet, social networks for academic purposes, checking examinations results, using video and voice recorder, calendar, calculator, accessing online books, using short message services (SMS) and multimedia messaging service (MMS). However though they owned mobile phones and used as learning tools, the use was limited because college teachers regarded mobile phones as distracting tools. Therefore to be used as learning tools and not distracting tools for students, proper use of mobile phones should be observed. Therefore from these findings, the study contributed that there is a need to utilize the more appropriate ways of using mobile phones as learning tools among college students including to adopt and implement proper management approaches, train teachers, support mobile learning, control through value based rule, include mobile phone device in curriculum and syllabus, provide time frame for using mobile phones. It is recommended that the government through the National Council for Technical Education (NACTE) should integrate mobile phone use as a part of ICT in its education policy and introduce a topic in ICT subjects on ethical use of mobile phones in colleges where college students will learn and understand the more appropriate ways of using mobile phones.enMobile communication system in educationInternet in educationCollege studentsKinondoni district,TanzaniaAn assessment of the use of mobile phone as learning tool among college students in kinondoni districtThesis