2020-04-302020-04-301997-10Ministry of energy and minerals(1997)The mineral policy of Tanzania, Policy, United Republic of Tanzaniahttp:// governemt of tanzania recognizes the need to put into place internationally competitive investiment environment for mineral sector. The government ‘s vision and mission is to have a strong, efficient and profitable mining industry for the benefit of Tanzania people. It is envisaged that the mineral sector should contribute significantly towards industrial development, employment creation, social and economic infrasructural development (particularly for the rural areas); income generation, foreign exchange earnings and government revenue. All mineral sector activities shall be carries out on basis of safe and enviromnentally-sound practices ( for sustainability). Geological investments carried out over a period of more than sixty years, together with available nineral production statistics and information, show that Tanzania has rich and diverse mineral resources base with high economic potential. However, the country has yet to realize a benefitting contribution from the vast mineral endowment.enMineral policyUnited Republic of TanzaniaThe mineral policy of TanzaniaOther