Chaligha, Annamaria2021-10-062021-10-062019Annamaria .C(2019) The State of Records Managements Practices At The President’s Office Public Service Management and Good Governance (PO-PSMGG), Tanzania,Master Dissertation,University of Dar es Salaam, Dar es Salaamhttp:// in print form,East Africana Collection ,Dr.Wilbert Chagula Library,Class mark ( THS EAF CD1133. T34C436)The study assessed the state of records management practices at the president’s Office, public service management and good governance (PO-PSMGG) in Tanzania. Specifically, the study assessed types of records created at PO-PSMGG, assessed record management practice throughout its life cycle, determined the skills level of records officers, and examine records management policy, procedures and tools as well as challenges and utilization of ICT in records management at the PO-PSMGG. The study involved 57 respondents staff from departments of ICT records and admin (action officers) from PO-PSMGG and the Directors from the records and Achieves Management Department (RAMD) Three instruments of data collection including questionnaire, interview guide and personal observation checklist were employed during data collection. Purposive sampling was used and Data collected were descriptively analyzed where by frequency tables, charts and figures were produced using the statistical package and service solutions (SPSS) Version 20. The findings indicate that to a large extent, the PO-PSMGG creates paper-based records. The PO-PSMGG has qualified a workforce of the records officer cadre, with the majority being graduates hence with requisite qualifications. Nevertheless, the PO-PSMGG Lacks an updated policy for records managements as the one in place was formulated in 2011.Moreover the inefficiency in records management practices at the PO-PSMGG. however, PO-PSMGG has sufficient physical storage area to accommodate current, semi-current and non-current records and archives with an offsite records center supported by the RAMD. Yet PO-PSMGG faces a number of challenges ranging from delays in processing files, duplication of records and shortage of staff in registries. The study recommends that, the PO-PSMGG keep pace with creation e-records as they are cost-effective and easy to secure. Moreover, the PO-PSMGG should formulate its own organization records management’s policy and procedure manual to improve records management practices and full utilization of ICT in records managementenArchivesPublic recordsPresident officeTanzaniaThe State of Records Managements Practices At The President’s Office Public Service Management and Good Governance (PO-PSMGG), TanzaniaThesis