Benedict, Logatho2021-08-102021-08-102015Benedict, Logatho (2015) Authentication voters on mobile E-Voting technology: a case students' Election System at the University of Dar es Salaam, University of Dar es Salaam, Dar es Salaam. Master dissertation, University of Dar es Salaamhttp:// in print form, East Africana Collection, Dr. Wilbert Chagula Library, Class mark (THS EAF JF1032.T34B46)Mobile phones are set to dominate most of the human activities such as informal and formal communications, mobile banking, business transactions and advertisement. Currently the use of mobile phones on supporting the process of voting such as vote casting has a little bit started but it is lacking security. Most of the research has been done on how to authenticate user on e-voting based on remote internet through personal computer, Laptop and other special device purposely made for e-voting Mugisha (2008). This work proposes a method on how to authenticate voter on mobile e-voting process through his/her mobile phone number supported with registration number and password. user is required to create password must first be stored in a database used for matching the correct stored and encrypted mobile phone number and registration numbers. the stored phone number is encrypted by using MD5 hash function and password is encrypted by using two fish encryption function. The two algorithms are used because are strong enough and light to be used in mobile phone applications. The issue of coercion is still not completely solved for this type of e-voting as it is possible for someone to either by force or bribery tell another person to vote in favour for some preferred candidates. Thus alleviating the problem of coercion on mobile e-voting is left as a future work.enElectronic votingStudents' election systemUniversity of Dar es SalaamTanzaniaAuthentication voters on mobile E-Voting technology: a case students' Election System at the University of Dar es SalaamThesis