Wambura, Chacha Nyamoyo2020-06-042020-06-042005Wambura, C.N (2005) Effectiveness of financial reform measures of local authorities in Dar es salaam; a case of Ilala Municipal Council (IMC).Master dissertation, University of Dar es Salaam, Dar es Salaam. in printed form, East Africana Collection, Dr. Wilbert Chagula Library, Class mark (THS EAF HG 3881.W3)The overall objective of the study was to analyses effectiveness of financial reform measures of llala Municipal Council (IMC). Effectiveness was assessed _ in terms of revenue collections, savings to the council and increased council staffs competence to handle challenges of reforms. The study was guided by three research questions: To what extent do reforms improve revenue collection? To what extent do commercialized non-core functions bring the expected net savings to the council? Are staffs' level of qualifications and competence levels adequate enough to handle challenges of decentralization for local government as well as intended reforms? Primary data was collected from IMC employees, Ward Executive Officers, IMCs' Heads of departments, Councilors and private contracted agents. Secondary data were obtained from council's budget estimates as well as final accounts. The research findings revealed that the reform has significantly improved revenue collection and increased net savings to the council. The majority (71%) of employees are competent to handle challenges of decentralization of local government as well as intended reforms. Three recommendations are proposed: implementing human resource planning programme, provide training to their staffs especially on local government reform programme issues and supporting private contracted agents. They can be introduced to the public giving out the full description of the tasks that will be performed by those agents and powers they poses. A further study should be carried out to assess the contribution of collected revenue to social services in the council and to assess as well as analyze the impact of removing business license fees to the overall revenue generated inenFinancial reformEconomic policyFinanceLocal governmentEffectiveness of financial reform measures of local authorities in Dar es salaam; a case of Ilala Municipal Council (IMC)Thesis