Mallya, Richard Anthony2019-12-142020-01-082019-12-142020-01-082006Mallya, R. A (2006) Investigation of factors contributing to poor procurement system in public sector: the case of ministry infrastructure development and its agencies, Master dissertation, University of Dar es Salaam. Dar es Salaam.http://localhost:8080/xmlui/handle/123456789/5832Available in print form, East Africana Collection, Dr. Wilbert Chagula Library, Class mark (THS EAF HF5437.T34M34)This study aimed at investigating the factors affecting poor procurement system in Tanzania. The study investigated among others the impacts of specification on the quality of goods, works and services procured, contribution of staff competency in the efficient procurement, the effect of procurement planning in procuring of goods, works and the impacts of transparency in public procurement. Data were obtained from a sample of 66 respondents from Dar es Salaam only. They included business persons, Officers from the Ministry of Infrastructure Development and its agencies who are procurement professionals and those with other professions -users of goods and services procured. The questionnaire administration and interview methods were used for data collection. Interviews were conducted to different groups for the purpose of complimenting the information obtained through questionnaires or when seeking new information. The responses indicated that poor procurement system in public institutions is attributed mainly by inability to prepare and implement proper specifications, poor procurement planning, and lack of capacity at all levels of the administration where procurement is being handled. The study found our that, there is a problem of registration with the NBMM. NBMM registers only professionals who have attended Materials management courses, leaving out other practitioners like Engineers and Quantity Surveyors who are also knowledgeable on procurement function. The study insists on conducting procurement trainings to civil servants as well as suppliers, adherence to specifications and procurement plans. Transformation of this Board to cater for all professionals dealing with procurement in the public sector is also very crucial.enPurchasingGovernment purchasingTanzaniaMinistry of Infrastructure Development and its AgenciesResearch Public procurementInvestigation of factors contributing to poor procurement system in public sector: the case of ministry infrastructure development and its agencies.Thesis