Wagara, Amesa Oyo2021-01-222021-01-221975Wagara, A. O (1975) The changes in the settlement patterns in Tarime District, Masters dissertation, University of Dar es Salaam, Dar es Salaam. in print form, East Africana Collection, Dr.Wirbert Chagula Library, Class mark (THS EAF HB2129.T3T2W2)The settlement pattern that exist now in Tarime (North /Mara) strictly consist a Villages in which houses are arranged in a row. This has been one of the greatest historical and political evolution. Affecting not only the district but the whole country of Tanzania since 1970'S. The cotemporary spatial Organisation is a result of sequential Process interrelating man and nature in time and space. Although not much is historically known about the environmental conditions and the structure of the societies which occupied this area before 19 00, it is important to note that the culture and socio- economic systems of the pre-colonial societies of Tarime contributed to the present systems. As many other societies in Africa tribal groups were settled were such a way that conditions did allow for communal mode of production in Tarime . The communal mode of production in Tarime was organised to obtain their basic needs from the environment by use of available technology. Everyone in the whole society profited from the fruits of his cotribution to the production system and was also ensured a total protection from any intruder from outside their settled land. Nevertheless with the coming of the white man in Tarime area, major changes appeared not only to the basic needs of the society but also to the colonial landscape of the area. In colonial era, between 1890-1961, $he significant changes that affected the societies of Tarime was in the mode of production and the mode of consumption. The social values of the society which changed was affected by political forces first by the Germans and later by the Britrish rulers, The external forces also changed to be relationship between man and nature because of the demands of other societies here and abroad, on the resources of the environment, By 1962, one year after independence of Tanganyika, the idea of socialism was put forward by President Nyerere when formal/ addresing the National Assembly. Development was not possible to farmers in the rural areas until they would start living in village community. Only few Ujamaa villages mere registered in Tarime district between 1967-1970. But the end of 1973 was an active communities, development villages. Under the new system of Villagination emphasis was put in clustering homes into villages and farmers were expected to use moderm technology for social and economic development villages. Under the new system of vcillagilation emphasis was put in clustering homes into villages and farmers were exp[ected to use modern technology for social and economic developments. In this case emphasis was to be made on the use of ploughs and tractors for cultivation, irrigation of Shambas, use of fertilizers and modern clutter rearing. In addition the villages will be provide with facilities like roads, water and services like schools and health centres wich had been difficult to provide before at the time when families stayed in scattered homestead. The trend of villagisation as a development process has been affected by ideological changes within the social system of the whole Tanzania. The changes within the social – economic structure of villages of Tarime district have had an impacts in the ecological system. The economic processes that explains the form of village structure, therefore, have cultural and ecological background. In September 1973 at TANU meeting, it was decided to implement the Party Central Committee’s decision early that year, that each region should find a method of mobilizing the rural population to villages. Mara region launched operating Mara affecting 100 percent of the rural population. In Tarime district 83 villages were established and affected a total of 36,641 families. Aim and objective looking at the historical background of the district and the contemporary of mobilizing the rural population to villages. My general aim is to consider the whole trend of the development of villages in the light of the problems.enTarimeTanzania (district),PopulationTanzaniaPopulationruralDemographyThe changes in the settlement patterns in Tarime DistrictThesis