Kaguta, Munawar Maulid2020-05-092020-05-092013Kaguta, M. M. (2013) Factors influencing employees turnover among nurses: a case of Agakhan and Temeke Hospital – Dar es Salaam. Master dissertation, University of Dar es Salaam. Dar es Salaam. in printed form, East Africana Collection, Dr. Wilbert Chagula Library, Class mark (THS EAF HF5549.5T8T34K33 )This study has attempted to examine factors influencing nurse employees’ turnover in public and private hospitals specifically in Agakhan and Temeke hospitals in Dar es Salaam, Tanzania. The study has identified the causes of employee turnover for nurses, the consequences of nurses’ shortage and measures taken to overcome the existing employees’ turnover problems in Agakhan and Temeke hospital. In the study primary data were collected, these data were collected, these data were collected from seventy-six Nurses in Agakhan and Temeke hospitals. Convenience sampling was used to select the participants in the hospitals. Stratified sampling according to the position of the nurse was applied. The nurses filled the questionnaires to respond to the questions regarding the study objectives. The analysis was done through qualitative techniques, in which explanations were drawn, and the summary of results was drawn in frequency and percentage tables with the use of statistical package for social science (SPSS program) first released in 1968 founder. The results showed that the sampled participants were in their hospitals for less than one year. Low salary and benefits, poor management, heavy work load, lack of facilities, poor motivation and market completion were among the reasons for leaving their working places. Respondents from both hospitals felt that their respective hospitals were understaffed. According to the results of this study, the magnitude of labour turnover in the nursing sector is high. The factors influencing turnover can be minimised to a large extent if the government and private sector work hand in hand to revisit these factors and implement effective measures to retain the already scarce nurse staff.enLabour turnoverNursesAgakhan hospitalTemeke hospitalDar es SalaamFactors influencing employees turnover among nurses: a case of Agakhan and Temeke Hospital – Dar es SalaamThesis