Lugimbana, Annita Alfred2020-05-182020-05-182017Lugimbana, A. A.(2017) The dynamics of implementing competence based education and training approach in selected Tanzanian tertiary technical training institutions, Doctoral dissertation, University of Dar es Salaamhttp:// in print form, East Africana Collection, Dr. Wilbert Chagula Library, Class mark (THS EAF LC1033.T34L83)This study investigated dynamics of implementing the competence-based education and training approach in selected Tanzanian tertiary technical training institutions. The study was guided by four objectives, which were; examining the effectiveness of the CBET approach orientation programmes in TTTIs, examining instructors’ practices in the implementation of CBET approach, determining students’ learning experience under CBET approach and exploring institutional support to the implementation of the CBET approach. The study employed qualitative research approach using multiple case study design. Data for the study were generated through semi-structured interviews, focus group discussion, participant observation as well as documentary analysis. The study involved 55 participants; 3 deputy principals, 25 instructors and 27 undergraduate students (NTA-8). The study revealed the following major findings. First, the study disclosed that the three institutions in collaboration with NACTE training team conducted orientation programmes prior to the implementation of the CBET approach. The first orientation programme which involved all instructors was conducted in one week while the second for Heads of Departments took more than one week, the participants confirmed that the CBET approach was significantly effective, but its implementation has been a critical issue. The point was evidenced by prevalence of conflicting opinions on the practicality of the approach in the three institutions. On one hand, some of the participants maintained that the approach was good and relevant when implemented in a classroom with few students instead of the current crowded classrooms. On the other hand, some participants argued that CBET approach was difficult to implement especially in the Tanzanian context due to lack of teaching and learning resources. The other challenge mentioned was the CBET approach was very demanding and time consuming particularly during the lesson preparation. Secondly, the study revealed the teaching and learning environment did not change however instructors had to rewrite their teaching modules, use different types of assessment tools and the teaching. Thirdly, the study established that students had a general understanding of the CBET approach. They experienced it through both theoretical and practical assessments they were getting. Finally, findings pointed that participating TTTIs did not receive any financial assistance prior to the implementation of the CBET approach instead, instructors from the three institutions attended orientations training on the approach. The study concluded that the implementation of the CBET approach in TTTIs was inadequately prepared in terms of both human and fiscal resources; the orientation of instructors was done in a short time. There were no follow-up of the actual practice of the CBET approach practice in TTTIs. Instructors were facing some challenges in the implementation of CBET approach. The TTTIs were implementing CBET approach in the same environment using the same resources. The study recommends that prior to the implementation of any innovation or instructional practices; there is a need of conducting a pilot study and involving the key implementers.enCompetency based educationTertiary Technical Training InstitutionsTanzaniaThe dynamics of implementing competence based education and training approach in selected Tanzanian tertiary technical training institutionsThesis