Lukago, Shukran Matukulu2020-02-142020-02-142011Lukago, S.M.(2011) The use of ICT in higher learning institutions in developing countries the case of Tanzania, university or dar es salaam and st. augustine university of Tanzania. Master dissertation, university of Dar es Salaam. Dar es Salaam. in print copyInformation and communication technologies (ICT) have become common place entitiesin all aspects of life. The growing influence of technologies on all aspect of life, including the education sector, requires developing countries to follow the example of the developed countries and adopt technology in their education systems. Within education, ICT has begun to have a presence but the impact has not been as extensive as in other fields. This brings a question on whether ICT full utilized in Higher Learning Institutions in developing Countries. The use of ICT in education lends itself to more student-cantered learning settings and often this creates some tensions for some teachers and students. But with the world moving rapidly into digital media and information, the role of ICT in education is becoming more and more important and this importance will continue to grow. Therefore this study examines the use of ICT in Higher Learning Institutions in developing Countries from students' point of view. Using a survey of 300 sampled students from University of Dar es Salaam and St. Augustine university of Tanzania in this study five hypotheses was tested about the factors that influence the use of ICT. The questionnaire data collection techniques was employed. The collected data was analyzed using Linear Regression analysis with help of SPSS. Tbe findings revealed that control beliefs, subjective norms, easy accessibility of ICT resources, and good connectivity and reliable ICT facilities have positive impact on ICT utilization. But the results further revealed that behavioural belief does not influence ICT utilization. The implication of the study to Higher learning Institutions is that they should develop and continuously update institutional ICT policies in order to align educational and research objectives with the most appropriate technology choices and adequate financialand human resources.enICTst. augustine universityUDSMdeveloping countriesTanzaniaThe use of ICT in higher learning institutions in developing countries the case of Tanzania, university or dar es salaam and st. augustine university of TanzaniaThesis