Zahor, Zahor Khalifa2020-04-032020-04-032009Zahor, Z. K (2009) Socio-economic impacts of rural-urban migration in Chake-Chake district, Pemba, Master dissertation, University of Dar es Salaamhttp:// in print form, East Africana Collection, Dr. Wilbert Chagula Library, Class Mark (THS EAF HB1955.Z36Z33)The aim of this study is to examine the social economic impacts of rural- urban migration in Chake-Chake district, Pemba. Also, to examine the root causes which make young people to out-migrate their home land. Lastly, to determine to what extent the government has contributed to overcome this problem. To reach the aim of the study three villages were selected namely Shamiani, Wawi and Fidel Castro. About 10% of the population in the areas concerned was selected as a sample to represent the entire population which was about 170 people. Also, the study was made in Unguja where the Wapemba use as their destination area where 30migrants were interviewed. The Access, Excel, SPSS, Central Tendency methods such as mean, mode and medium were used to analyze the data. Tables, graphs and charts were used to present the findings. The findings from the study indicated that many people are involving in migration specifically the young males. They are forced to leave their homes because of unequal distribution of resources which lead to difficulties and hardship life in the area concerned. Poor education, poor social services and political harassment also were among the factors that pushed them to leave their area of origin. Further the study shows that the migrants when they reach the area of destination they maintain the contact with their home land and invest at households and community level. For example, they send money which are used to buy the basic needs such as food and enable to pay educational services for their children and their sisters and brothers. Also, assists their homes by building modern houses and fishing which are strategic mechanisms to adapt the difficult condition in the study area to those who remain there. On the other side, the study indicated that the absence of young people in the study area have negative impacts such as shortage of labour force, overburden of task and responsibilities to the women, families are broken, poor performance of the students and hence increased dependency ratio. Further the study shows that although there were massive impacts of migration in the study area, no efforts were undertaken by government to solve the problems. The study confirmed that now the problem of out-migration has become critical in the study area and so immediate actions are necessary to rectify the situation before the condition becomes terrible. The following measures has been recommended by the study:- To equalize distribution of resources by providing and improving social services, such as transport and communication, water supply, health services, improve the quality of education in Pemba which include the establishment of quality universities, good and competent teachers, instruments, references and other equipments, reliable electricity and other services. Also, the improvement of employment and price of the crops of the farmers and solve the problem of political conflicts.enRural-urban migrationChake-Chake districtZanzibarSocio-economic impacts of rural-urban migration in Chake-Chake district, PembaThesis