Msigwa, Upendo2020-07-052020-07-052018Msigwa, U. (2018). Teaching and learning of civics in the context of Competence-Based Curriculum (CBC) in Ilala municipality. Master dissertation, University of Dar es Salaam, Dar es Salaam. in print form, East Africana Collection, Dr. Wilbert Chagula Library, Class mark (THS EAF LB1027.23.T34M744)This study examined the extent to which teachers integrate a competence-based curriculum (CBC) in teaching and learning civics subject in secondary schools in Tanzania. The study is guided by three objectives namely: establishing whether the teaching and learning methods and assessment procedures used by civics teachers embracing the principles of CBC, examining the extent to which instructional materials used in the teaching and learning support or undermine the CBC, and examining whether the existing structural and administrative mechanisms support or undermine the implementation of CBC. The study was conducted in Ilala Municipality- Dar es Salaam. Using a qualitative research approach where a case study design was employed. Participant in this study were 58 including students (n=40), civics teachers (n=12), heads of school (n=4) and school inspectors (n=2). The researcher used quota sampling and purposive sampling procedures to obtain the participants. The data collection methods included Interview, focus group discussion, observation and documentary reviews. Data was qualitatively analyzed by reducing, displaying and interpreting the findings. The findings of the study revealed that most of teachers were practicing a teacher-centered teaching approach including lecture methods, notes writing which do not support the idea of CBC. The major reasons for the teacher-centered method included shortage of instructional materials, big number of students in the classroom as well as limitation of time per lesson. The finding revealed that there was a shortage of instructional materials in most of public schools in which most schools were faced by inadequate instructional resources such as civics text books, reference books and teaching aid with regard to the examination of the effect of instructional and administrative mechanisms on the adoption of CBC. The findings further revealed that there was discrepancy, between structural and administrative mechanism and what occurs on the ground, this hinders the teaching and learning in the context of CBC. Based on these findings, it was concluded that the ineffective implementation of CBC in most of secondary schools in Ilala municipality could be due to systematic reason, including, poor teaching and learning environment. Thus, it was recommended that civics teachers and school administration need to identify their strength and weaknesses, so as to propose potential areas for capacity building for teaching civics in the context of CBC. Also the Ministry of Education and Vocational Training should create conducive environment which support the implementation of CBC.enTeachingLearningCurriculumCompetency based educationIlala municipalityTanzaniaTeaching and learning of civics in the context of Competence-Based Curriculum (CBC) in Ilala municipality.Thesis