China, Faustine2020-06-062020-06-062005China, F (2005) The relationship between psychosocial support and resilience among primary school orphans and non-orphans in Tanzania, Master dissertation, University of Dar es Salaamhttp:// in print form, East Africana Collection, Dr. Wilbert Chagula Library, Class mark (THS EAF BF723.E6C48)The present study investigated the relationship between psychosocial support and resilience among primary school orphans and non-orphans in Tanzania. The study focused on six purposively selected primary schools in Temeke district in Dar es Salaam. The sample included 300 pupils of which 240 were orphans. The findings of this study showed that resilience was positively and significantly related to psychosocial support among primary school orphans and non-orphans. Resilience as a dependent variable changed with changes in psychosocial support. The study has shown the same trends as observed in other studies in which supportive actions enhance a person’s ability in the face of stress. The findings also revealed that resilience among categories of orphans (paternal, maternal, and double) did not differ significantly. However, the study found significant difference in resilience along gender lines in the categories of orphans with bos making higher than girls. Furthermore, the findings revealed that psychosocial support was lower for orphans living in orphanages than those living with relatives and even lower than that of non-orphans. This study, among other things recommends the following one government and other stakeholders should bring together inspectoral efforts to respond in a coordinated and effective way to the needs of these children: two school should develop progrmammes that promote self efficiency by providing social opportunities for pupils and enabling orphans to develop important social and problem solving skills and three, there should be training for social workers and teachers to enable them identify risk and protective factors in young people. Lastly, this study suggests two areas for future research, and these are: one a study to find out how age of onset and duration of a stressful event varies with resilience among orphans and other vulnerable children, and two, a study to identify exactly the role of social institutions like schools in helping the youth and orphans in particular to become more resilience and sustain their capacity to face risk.enPsychosocial supportOrphansPrimary schoolsSocial psychologyThe relationship between psychosocial support and resilience among primary school orphans and non-orphans in TanzaniaThesis