Mswanyama, Clement Anderson2020-05-252020-05-252004Mswanyama, C. A. (2004) role of information and communication technology (ICT) for learning and training in selected teacher training colleges in Tanzania, Master dissertation, University of Dar es Salaam, Dar es Salaam. in print form, East Africana Collection, Dr. Wilbert Chagula Library, Class mark (THS EAF Z5814.A85T34M74)This study investigated the role of information, Communication and Technology (ICT) for teaching and learning in selected teachers Training Colleges. The use of ICT for teaching and learning was expected to affect teaching and learning as well as social, economic, political and cultural aspects. the main objective of this study was to examine the availability and application of ICT for teaching and learning in the selected Tanzanian Teachers Training colleges. The study was conducted at two teachers training colleges, one from Dar es Salaam Region and the other from Morogoro Region; and the Department of Teacher Education in the Ministry of Education and Culture Head Office. Questionnaires were employed as a method of data collection. The conclusions of this study show that hardware and software to support the required applications were inadequate both quantitatively and qualitatively; there is lack of ICT training; lack of ICT policy; inadequate funds for ICT; lack of ICT curriculum and lack of political will. Recommendations made to the government institutions and individuals include identifying strategies for improving the use of ICT for teaching and learning. These are recommendations: (a) Improvement of the availability of ICT facilities and access to ICT facilities. (b) Other recommendations are: implementing effective ICT policy, creating awareness among stakeholders, recruiting ICT personnel and identifying and collaborating with potential donors involved in ICT projects.enInformation and communication technologyTeacher trainingLearningTanzaniarole of information and communication technology (ICT) for learning and training in selected teacher training colleges in TanzaniaThesis