Mapunjo, Siana Gideon2019-12-142020-01-082019-12-142020-01-082005Mapnjo, S.G(2005)The capacity of health facilities in providing antiretroviral therapy in Dar es Salaam region,Master Dissertation, University of Dar es salaamhttp://localhost:8080/xmlui/handle/123456789/6162Available in print form, University Dar es Salaam, Wilbert Chagula Class mark (THS EAF RC606.6.M3)A cross- sectional descriptive study was conducted to assess the capacity of Dar es Salaam Health Facilities in delivering ART from May to July 2005.Twelve government and non- government Health Facilities were included in this study. Six of the studied facilities were designated by MOH to provide antiretroviral since October 2004; four were designated since May 2005; and two of them were not designated. Checklist was used as an assessment tool to guide interview and observations. The MOH guideline in the management of HIV/AIDS guided the preparation of checklist. The study findings indicated that there were inadequate trained personnel, inadequate laboratory equipment’s, inadequate antiretrovirals and isoniazed was underutilized. It was noted that not all eligible patients were able to start ARVs. Comprehensive HIV care and treatment was not fulfilled in some facilities. In some of the studied Facilities there was lack of infrastructure including inadequate confidential place for counselling. The Health Information System was comparatively weak. Drug disposal was improper. It was concluded that die capacity of Health Facility to provide ART varies from facilities. There was a better capacity for the facilities designated to deliver antiretrovirals from October 2004 compared to those designated from May 2005 indicating a potential for improvement in future. In order for the program to treat more than 400,00 HIV/AJDS patients in the next five year it need emphasis on staff training, improvement of infrastructure: enhance adequate equipment and drugs, strengthening HMIS, and comprehensive care service. Further studies are recommended in future to assess the erect of ARVs on the quality and economic life of HIV/AIDS patients.enAntiviral agentsAIDS chemotherapyDar es SalaamThe capacity of health facilities in providing antiretroviral therapy in Dar es Salaam regionThesis