Mwakalindile, Aliko Amini2016-05-272020-01-082016-05-272020-01-082010Mwakalindile, A.A. (2010) Factors leading to employees’ absenteeism in local government authorities: a case study of Tanga City Council. Master Dissertation, University of Dar es Salaam. Available at in print formThis study aimed at investigating factors leading to employees’ absenteeism in local government authorities, a case of Tanga City Council. A sample of 100 respondents was selected for the study. A simple random and purposive sampling was used to select the respondents. A total of 100 questionnaires were distributed to Tanga City Council employees. Methods of data collection were questionnaires and observation. Statistical package for social sciences (SPSS) was used to process data. The study findings revealed a number of factors which influences the decision by employees to be absent from a workplace. Respondents had different views on each question. Some of the factors which prompt employees’ absenteeism include looking for more incomes via other duties, family matters and poor working facilities. These factors are linked to one another. A large number of employees who filled in the questionnaires were literate enough to fill well the questionnaires and answer exactly what they were asked. The questionnaires showed that the respondents were aware of several issues that are concerned with the council. However it was reveled that for the unknown reasons some of them were either uncertain or did not know was going on in the council. It was recommended that, strategies to combat absenteeism should be effective. Seriousness by HRM on combating absenteeism would be the song of the day by whatever means. The council should have efforts and mechanisms for supplementing employees’ monthly salaries.enEmployee absenteeismLocal government authoritiesTanga city councilFactors leading to employees’ absenteeism in local government authorities: a case study of Tanga City CouncilThesis