Silwani, Beno2020-04-062020-04-062017Silwani, B. (2017) Assessment on the use of participatory approach in the teaching and learning of mathematics in secondary schools in Njombe district. Master dissertation, University of Dar es Salaam. Dar es Salaam. in print form, East Africana Collection, Dr. Wilbert Chagula Library, Class mark (THS EAF QA14.T34S54)The study assessed the use of participatory approach in teaching and learning Mathematics in secondary schools. The study was based on three predetermined objectives, namely, to assess the understanding on the use of participatory approaches in teaching and learning of Mathematics in secondary schools, to identify the extent to which participatory methods are employed in the teaching and learning mathematics in secondary schools and to determine if there are any challenges in implementing participatory approach in teaching and learning mathematics. The study was conducted in Njombe district in Njombe region in Tanzania and used qualitative approach involving a case study design. It involved a sample of ninety-two (92) respondents obtained through the use of purposive sampling. Interviews, focus group discussions (FGDs), observations and documentary review were used to collect data, which were analyzed and presented using content analysis. The study revealed the following: Mathematics teachers were aware of the participatory approach and the effectiveness of interactive students’ learning. The study found out that there is poor implementation of participatory approach and teachers were not competent in applying participatory approach in teaching and learning mathematics. Lastly the study found that there were challenges faced by teachers in using participatory approach that included overcrowded classrooms, poor time management in preparation and presentation of lessons, as a result lecturing is used as means to save time also students have poor background to in basic mathematics skills. The study concludes that Mathematics teachers should be helped to upgrade their knowledge and skills on the implementation of participatory approach in teaching and learning Mathematics. Ministry of education science and technology needs to provide in-service trainings on how to implement participatory approach according to Tanzanian context. More Mathematic teachers have to be employed to handle the big number of students. More efforts should be employed to strengthen basic Mathematics skills to pupils in primary schools.enNjombeparticipatory approachmathematicsAssessment on the use of participatory approach in the teaching and learning of mathematics in secondary schools in Njombe districtThesis