Kassim, Sherbanu2021-04-192021-04-192001Kassim, S (2001) Legal provisions against domestic violence in mainland Tanzania with special reference to criminal law: A Critique, Masters dissertation, University of Dar es Salaam, Dar es Salaam. work studies the law on domestic violence and how the legal machinery handles such cases. It is divided into three parts: Part one which comprises three chapters lays out a theoretical oundation. Chapter one introduces the problem and the research methodology. A critical review of literature on causes and effects of domestic violence is the focus of chapter two. It examines, inter alia, what other scholars have written on the appropriateness of criminal law as an intervention in domestic violence cases. Th development of law as an intervention in domestic violence cases. The development of the law on domestic violence on Mainland Tanzania is examined in chapter three. The chapter exposes the dual system of interventions, namely, legal and extra-legal. Part two of the work is made up of chapter four- six. Chapters four, five and six look at the various options available. Chapter four indicates that criminal law is the most preferable but chapter five and six show that, in fact, extra-legal interventions, such as family conciliation, are widely used. A discussion of the civil law remedies also features in chapter six. The conclusion comes in part three, which is made up of chapter seven. In the view of this author, for any intervention to be effective, there is a need for concerted efforts on law reform; legal educational campaigns; establishment of matrimonial courts and other support services. In turn, all these need to be supported by a clear government policy and deliberate efforts in enhancing the welfare of women. (THS EAF HQ809.3.K3)This work studies the law on domestic violence and how the legal machinery handles such cases. It is divided into three parts: Part one which comprises three chapters lays out a theoretical oundation. Chapter one introduces the problem and the research methodology. A critical review of literature on causes and effects of domestic violence is the focus of chapter two. It examines, inter alia, what other scholars have written on the appropriateness of criminal law as an intervention in domestic violence cases. Th development of law as an intervention in domestic violence cases. The development of the law on domestic violence on Mainland Tanzania is examined in chapter three. The chapter exposes the dual system of interventions, namely, legal and extra-legal. Part two of the work is made up of chapter four- six. Chapters four, five and six look at the various options available. Chapter four indicates that criminal law is the most preferable but chapter five and six show that, in fact, extra-legal interventions, such as family conciliation, are widely used. A discussion of the civil law remedies also features in chapter six. The conclusion comes in part three, which is made up of chapter seven. In the view of this author, for any intervention to be effective, there is a need for concerted efforts on law reform; legal educational campaigns; establishment of matrimonial courts and other support services. In turn, all these need to be supported by a clear government policy and deliberate efforts in enhancing the welfare of women.enDomestic violenceTanzaniaLegal provisionsWomens Research and Documentation project (WRDP)Legal provisions against domestic violence in mainland Tanzania with special reference to criminal law: A CritiqueThesis