Kalanje, Grace Patrick2020-06-192020-06-192004Kalanje, G. P (2004) The influence of perception of success on growth of businesses owned by women: evidence from Dar es salaam, Tanzania. Master dissertation, University of Dar es Salaam. Dar es Salaam. in printed form, East Africana Collection, Dr. Wilbert Chagula Library, Class mark (THS EAF HQ1381.T34K3)The main objective of the study was to examine the extent to which female entrepreneurs’ perceptions of business success affect business growth. A conceptual model was developed and tested using a sample survey of 137 owner-managers operating in Dar es Salaam-urban wards. Data was analysed using the Statistical Package for Social Sciences (SPSS). Analysis of variance (ANOVA) and t-tests were done to examine statistical differences among respondents with regards to variables of interest and to test the hypotheses. The findings revealed that, perceptions of success between female and male owner-managers differ. Female respondents were found to perceive business success more in economic terms while male respondents’ perceived success more in economic terms. However, there is no sufficient evidence to suggest any relationship between perceptions of success and growth motivation. Furthermore, the results of this study showed insufficient evidence to suggest a relationship between growth motivation and actual growth. However, the findings of this study suggest that, perception of success may be influenced by one’s age and the size of the family. The implication of the findings to the theory is that perceptions of success has no influence in the growth of the firms hence perceptions of success in non-economic terms which is dominant among female entrepreneurs does not limit growth. This means women’s perception of success in non-economic terms may not be a barrier to their subsequent development, and therefore there may not be a need to worry about. However, these findings need to be validated through more comprehensive studies with a larger and more varied sample.enWomen and economicsBusinessDar es SalaamTanzaniaThe influence of perception of success on growth of businesses owned by women: evidence from Dar es salaam, TanzaniaThesis