Sanga, Jairo2019-12-112020-01-082019-12-112020-01-082015Sanga, J.(2015) Assessment of users satisfaction to mobile money services a case of Bunda town in Tanzania, Master dissertation, University of Dar es Salaam, Dar es Salaamhttp://localhost:8080/xmlui/handle/123456789/5704Available in print form, East Africana Collection, Dr. Wilbert Chagula Library, Class mark (THS EAF HG1712.T34S26)The objective of the study was to assess the users satisfaction tomobile money services in Tanzania with the guidance of Grönroos service quality model. Specifically the study sought to determine the extent to which users are satisfied with the service quality dimensions i.e. functional quality, technical quality, image and economy. The study was carried out in Bunda town (Mara Region). A descriptive design was employed and primary data were collected from a sample of 300 mobile money usersusing a semi-structured questionnaire. Data were analysed using SPSS i.e. Descriptive Statistics (Frequencies and Cross-tabulation). Microsoft Excel was also used for further formatting of the results tables and calculating the Minnesota Customer Satisfaction Index (overall customer satisfaction index). The results are presented in tables (frequencies and percentages). The results revealed that the users are greatly satisfied with all of the service quality dimensions studied. That is they were satisfied with the functional quality and technical quality of mobile money services. Further the results indicated that the users are satisfied with the image (reputation) of their favourite service provider company. It was also revealed that, except for charges for transferring money, users are satisfied with the economy dimension (how economical the services are to the users). In overall the users’ satisfaction with mobile money services is fair as indicated by the Minnesota Customer Satisfaction Index. The study concluded that the users are satisfied with mobile money services as they are satisfied with all the mobile money service quality dimensions studied. The study can benefit users, policy makers, regulators and mobile network operators (service providers). The study recommends that the service providers strive to improve the services especially network stability and coverage and adjusting their tariffs to favour all groups of users. Finally the study recommends that the service providers put in place the mechanisms of easily and timely recovering the wrongly transferred amounts of money.enElectronic funds transferTelephone bill paying serviceTanzaniaConsumer satisfactionBunda townAssessment of users satisfaction to mobile money services a case of Bunda town in TanzaniaThesis