Rodgers, W.A2021-10-072021-10-071981Rodgers, W.A(1981). Draft outline for the Ngorongoro conservation area revised management planhttp:// in print form,East Africana colllection,Dr Wilbert Chagula Library,(EAST FOS R65)The request for a revision and updating of previous management plans arose from discussions between the previous conservator of Ngorongoro and the Man and the Biosphere/ World Heritage Site secretariat of UNESCO in 1979. UNESCO agreed to finance a new plan and both parties agreed that the Bureau of Resource Assessment and Land Use Planning (BRALUP) of the University of Dar es Salaam should undertake the planning work. Staff of BRALUP drew up the initial budget and contractual documents and, together with N.C.A. invited consultants to work on the plan.enManagementNgorongoroConservationDraft outline for the Ngorongoro conservation area revised management planArticle