Urassa, Walter Yesaya2019-12-232020-01-082019-12-232020-01-082014Urassa, W.Y (2014) Utilization of demonstration secondary schools in the preparation of secondary school teachers in Tanzania:case of darajani and Chang’ombe demonstration secondary schools.Master dissertation, University of Dar es Salaam, Dar es Salaam.http://localhost:8080/xmlui/handle/123456789/4630Available in print form, East Africana Collection, Dr. Wilbert Chagula Library, Class mark (THS EAF HD2157.T34U72)The purpose of this study was to assess the utilization of demonstration secondary schools in the preparation of secondary school teachers in Tanzania. Particularly, the study focused on the availability of teaching and learning facilities, attitudes of school management and teaching staff towards student teachers, the average number of student teachers doing micro-teaching or teaching practice in the demonstration schools and the perceptions of education stakeholders towards demonstration secondary schools. The study employed a model of evaluation adapted from Stufflebeam and Shinkfield (2007) in order to guide the findings and reach conclusion. Two demonstration secondary schools were sampled. The study involved 79 participants comprising of 42 student teachers, 33 demonstration school teachers, 2 heads of demonstration school, 1 Vice-Principal, and 1 Dean of EducationThe study was qualitative although some quantitative elements were also included. Purposive and simple random sampling techniques were employed to select respondents to be included in the sample. The methods employed for gathering information included interview, focus group discussion, documentary review and observation. Qualitative data were analyzed using content analysis while numerical data were calculated and recorded in a table. The findings disclosed that demonstration secondary schools lacked physical facilities such as library, laboratories, offices and science teaching equipment as well as adequate teaching and learning resources. However, the study discovered that college tutors and student teachers had positive attitude towards demonstration secondary schools believing that the schools could enable student teachers to become competent and qualified teachers if well equipped and used effectively for teacher training programmes. The study concluded that for demonstration schools to excel in the preparation of competent and qualified teachers it depends on the level of availability of teaching and learning resources in the schools and the kind of relationship existing between the teacher training colleges or universities and the schools, tutors, school teachers and student teachers. Thus, the active participation of student teachers, school teachers and tutors in the training of student teachers is of great importance for the attainment of the desired goal. The study recommended that demonstration secondary schools needs to be well equipped in terms of teaching and learning facilities in order to create suitable and supportive learning environment for the student teachers to conduct effective teaching practice. The schools should also be fully utilized by student teachers in the conduction of micro-teaching, teaching practice or for professional assistance in order for them to acquire appropriate teaching skills and hence become competent teachers. The study also suggested that further study is needed to assess how demonstration schools attached to other Teacher Training Colleges are utilized in the preparation of secondary school teachers in Tanzania.enStudent teachersPractice teachingTanzaniaHigher school teachersDarajani demonstration secondary schoolChang'ombe secondary schoolUtilization of demonstration secondary schools in the preparation of secondary school teachers in Tanzania:case of darajani and Chang’ombe demonstration secondary schoolsThesis