Sobayi, Caroline Jairus2019-11-132020-01-082019-11-132020-01-082015Sobayi, C. J. (2015).The challenges of promoting early numeracy development in young children at home and preschool centres in Temeke municipality Dar es salaam, Master dissertation, University of Dar es Salaam.http://localhost:8080/xmlui/handle/123456789/3833Available in print form, East Africana Collection, Dr. Wilbert Chagula Library, Class mark (THS EAFQA135.6.T34S62)This study examined the challenges of promoting early numeracy development in young children at home and preschool centres in Temeke Municipality. Specifically, the study aimed at examining how early exposure to quantitative skills at home and preschool lays good foundation for numeracy skills in young children before joining primary school and the challenges parents and teachers encounter in promoting early numeracy. The objectives were focused on pre-counting skills children acquired before joining school; various number activities used to promote counting skills at home and preschools; appropriateness of learning activities used to promote early numeracy at pre-primary classes; the role of the home and preschool environment in promoting early numeracy and the challenges encountered parents and preschool teachers in promoting early numeracy. Purposive, stratified and simple random sampling techniques were used to obtain a sample of 80 respondents involving preschool children, preschool teachers, primary school head teachers and parents of preschool children. The study used interpretive research design, and employed interviews, focus group discussions, observation and documentary review as data collection methods. The findings revealed that parents and preschools were not providing young children with appropriate learning and playing facilities thus children lacked knowledge of pre-counting skills; parents were less engaged their children in home activities as a result children lacked exposure to varieties of numeracy related activities; learning activities, teaching and learning methods and materials were found to be inappropriate for the children’s age and ability and last, the preschool learning environment in most preschools was unsuitable for the preschool children, since classes were overcrowded, classes were poorly arranged and unsuitable playing facilities. All these were the main challenges of promoting early numeracy to young children at home and preschool centres. The study recommends that preschool teachers must attend proper training for early childhood education in order to practice teaching activities appropriately to children; the preschool teachers should prepare and use learning materials relevant to the numeracy skills and children’s age using locally available materials. Preschools should provide education to parents to learn the ways of creating supportive children's learning environment at home and providing relevant learning materials to their children. Preschools, homes, community, government and NGOs should cooperate in resolving the challenges of inadequate learning resources such as learning materials, books and play facilities.enMathematicsStudy and teaching(Preschool)EducationPreschoolActivity programsTemeke MunicipalityDar es SalaamTanzaniaThe challenges of promoting early numeracy development in young children at home and preschool centres in Temeke municipality Dar es salaamThesis