Pierson, C.L2021-11-092021-11-091973Pierson, C.L.(1973).Agronomic aspects of soil conservationhttp:// in print form, East Africana Collection, Dr .Wilbert Changula Library( EAF FOS F78F3-6)The global approach by the traditional farmer towards the phenomenon of agricultural production, which is one of the direct consequences of considering farming as a social state instead of as a profession, though conferring on him an astonishing capability to assess the level of fertility of a soil, is paradoxically hampering him in detecting what is the relative importance of each factor involved in the process of the decrease or the increase of soil fertility. As an example, it is generally very difficult for a traditionally farmer to realize that sheet erosion can be a form of soil alienation; as for him erosion exists only in its most spectacular forms, (.gullies and landslides).enSoil ConservationShifting CultivationAgronomic aspects of soil conservationArticle