Amon, Theresia Massoy2020-07-022020-07-022008Amon, T. M (2008) The impact of urban livestock keeping on the livelihoods of urban households: the case of llala municipal council, Dar cs salaam; Tanzania. Master dissertation, University of Dar es Salaam. Dar es Salaam. in printed form, East Africana Collection, Dr. Wilbert Chagula Library, Class mark (THS EAF SF192.T34A56)This study is about the assessment of the impact of urban livestock keeping on livelihoods of urban households in Ilala Municipal Council. A random sample of 100 households keeping livestock from Kipawa and Kitunda Wards in Ilala Municipality were interviewed. Documentary search, focus group discussion and questionnaire survey were used. Using Sustainable Livelihood Framework, this study demonstrated that, urban livestock keeping is an essential livelihood activity practised by both adult and elderly people as well as employed and non-employed people. It is an important source of income contributing about 69 percent of the total household income to those households with informal employment undertaking livestock keeping as fulltime activity and 55 percent to those households with formal employment undertaking livestock keeping as part time activity. Although Tanzania has integrated urban livestock keeping in the urban land use system, this study revealed that, there is inadequate policy coherence and co-ordination of urban livestock keeping activity. Moreover, legal framework is unfavourable in enabling urban livestock keeping households to access livelihood assets as well as regulation of such activity in urban areas and even where legal frameworks exist, are not enforced and urban livestock keepers remain unaware of the regulations and are rarely consulted in the modification or formulation of new policies. This study concluded that, urban livestock keeping is of significant value in supporting livelihoods of urban households. However, It is suggested that, sustainable livelihood can be achieved through urban livestock keeping activity if the government develops a policy and institutional framework on the sector that would direct the way such an activity can be regulated in urban areas, whilst taking into account crosscutting issues such as health, environment, population growth, marketing and land availability for the said activities. Thus, groups that are engaged in the trade can realize the benefits they expect to get from it and the government can obtain taxes.enLivestockHouseholdsCity and town lifeIlala Municipal councilThe impact of urban livestock keeping on the livelihoods of urban households: the case of llala municipal council, Dar cs salaam; TanzaniaThesis