Mhozya, Paul John2019-08-302020-01-072019-08-302020-01-071989Mhozya, P. J (1989) A study of the laminar flow of an incompressible viscous fluid past a circular cylinder using conformal transformation techniques, Masters dissertation, University of Dar es Salaam. Available at ( in print formThe laminar flow of a viscous incompressible fluid past a circular cylinder has been studied using a conformal transformation technique. First an approximate solution to the Blasiusequation is presented. This solution is obtained by considering an analytical function satisfying the boundary conditions for the Blasius equation. This function provides the velocity distribution and stream function representing the flow past a flat plate. The parameters representing the flow past the flat plate are then transformed into the equivalent parameters for the flow past a right circular cylinder using the Joukowski transformation. The non-linear system of equations arising from the Joukowski transformation is solved using Newton's method. The results are presented in both numerical and graphical forms. They include flow profiles around the cylinder at various Reynolds numbers and velocity distributions at various angles around the cylinder. A comparison of some of the results with similar ones has also been included.enFluid dynamicsA study of the laminar flow of an incompressible viscous fluid past a circular cylinder using conformal transformation techniquesThesis