Mwanjabala, E. D. G2019-09-202020-01-072019-09-202020-01-071987Mwanjabala, E. D. G (1987) Implementing the policy of nguvukazi: the case of Dar es Salaam region, Masters dissertation, University of Dar es Salaam. Available at ( )http://localhost:8080/xmlui/handle/123456789/2526Available in print formThis thesis is about policy implementation in Tanzania. Our study was based on the Act of Human Resources Deployment of 1983 (Better known as NGUVU KAZI), and Dar es Salaam Region was taken as a case study regarding implementation of the Act. Thesis is divided into three main parts namely: .Towards the understanding of Human Resources Deployment; 2.The concept of policy implementations the evolution of the policy of NguvuKazi; 3.The implementation of "NguvuKazi" in Dar es Salaam. The first chapter deals with the problem studied and its definition. The main problem was to know the extent poor implementation planning can make a good policy fail in attaining its objectives. The contention is predicated on the fact that successful. implementation of national policies rests in the main on proper planning. Chapter two discusses the theoretical conception of public policy implementation, the discussions suggest the fluidity of thinking today about the conditions that affect implementation successes and failures. The theoretical exposition of implementation shows that a debate is still going on among scholars about the best strategies by which implementation failures can be avoided. Whatever the cases success or failure of implementation depends much on the politico-socio-economic environment in which the implementation agencies work as well as the ingenuity of the implementers themselves. The third chapter discusses the evolution of the policy of NguvuKazi. The importance of NguvuKazi has been demonstrated from the tribal settings, the colonial period when many regulations were instituted to control and regulate human resources. Rural agricultural production was the pre-occupation during independence and the era of Arusha Declaration when many policy statements were issued for that end. This chapter also discusses the experience of Russia and Italy in dealing with the problem of human resources deployment. Lastly, there is a short discussion on how the government has dealt with the issue of jobless people in the country. After the Arusha Declarations, the government treated the problem of unemployment as a none-issue because the country has plenty of land. Chapter four deals with the actual findings of implementation of the programme in Dar es Salaam region, while chapter five concludes our study.enManpower policyTanzaniaImplementing the policy of nguvukazi: the case of Dar es Salaam regionThesis