Juma, Ali Khamis2020-02-212020-02-212013Juma, A.K(2013)Estimation of solar radiation using clearness index A case study of Makambako, Iringa, Tanzania,Master dissertation, University of Dr es Salaam, Dar es Salaamhttp:// in print form, University of Dar es Salaam at Dr. Wilbert Chagula Library(THS EAF QC911.82.T34J85)In this study, meteorological parameter namely, air velocity, was used for estimation of solar radiation at Makambako, Iringa, Tanzania. The investigation uses the model of clearness index for estimation of Solar Radiation. The results have shown good agreement between the estimated and measured values of global solar radiation. The Mean Percentage Error (MPE), Mean Bias Error (MBE) and Root Mean Square Error (RMSE) were used for comparison between the estimated model and some existing measured data. Result of the study shows minimum value of (RMSE) which is (0.0493). Hence the result shows this model can be used at any other location having similar weather condition.enSolar radiationClearness indexMakambakoIringa regionTanzaniaEstimation of solar radiation using clearness index A case study of Makambako, Iringa, TanzaniaThesis