Kiswanya, Mustapha Abbas2020-03-262020-03-262012Kiswanya, M Abb (2012) Finite elements mesh generation software to aid teaching, with example Master dissertation, University of Dar es Salaam. Dar es Salaamhttp:// in print form, East Africana Collection, Dr. Wilbert Chagula Library, Class mark (THS EAF TA347.F5K57)Partial differential equations (PDE s) play an important role in a wide range of disciplines. They are the governing equations of problems arising in different fields of study like biology, chemistry, physics, engineering, economics and finance. Since it is not easy to solve them analytically, numerical methods especially finite element method (FEM) is necessary. In the numerical simulation, in particular, finite element method (FEM), mesh generation is a fundamental requirement. The ability to understand and adapt a mesh generation code is very important. However, many of the mesh generators codes are very complex to understand especially for beginners. Integrating the meshing software and other codes is very challenging work; so many people suffer hardship and even loose the control. One should spend lots of time to study mesh generation before being able to solve the problem using FEM. The general objective of this study is to write user friendly mesh generating code and to demonstrate how heat flows in a rectangular sheet using a finite element method. In particular the algorithm will be developed and implemented in MATLAB to generate structured triangular meshes with isosceles right angled triangular elements in two dimensions for rectangular sheets of various size. We will use the mesh generated to demonstrate what happens in a region where the heat flowing from two opposite direction meets. Also the mesh generated will be used to illustrate the heat flow across a boundary between materials with different conductivity.enMATLAB (computer program)Finite Element Program System (computer system)Finite element methods,Finite elements mesh generation software to aid teaching, with exampleThesis