Kaumo, Amina2020-06-262020-06-262006Kaumo, A (2006) The impact of policy and institutional framework in water delivery systems in the Dar es Salaam area: the case of Ubungo, Tabata and Segerea areas.Master dissertation, University of Dar es Salaam, Dar es Salaam. in printed form, East Africana Collection, Dr. Wilbert Chagula Library, Class mark (THS EAF TD 319.T34K38)Drought and the resulting low water levels i n rivers exacerbate water scarcity conditions in Dar es Salaam city. The result is frequent water rationing in areas saved with piped water, sometimes for days or weeks, and poor water pressure, which leads residents to resort to other less safe and sometime mes more expensive water sources. The main objective of this study was to examine the impact of policy and institutional framework in water delivery systems for improving social and economic benefits of people living in Dar es Salaam City. The methods employed in field data and information collection included interviews, questionnaire, focus group discussions and participatory observation. Kinondoni and Ilala Districts were used as case stud) which was confined to three wards namely: Ubungo, Tabata and Segerea. The stud) revealed that, individuals own and sell water from bore-holes, shallow well, piped water connected to their individual houses and natural wells located in their indiv idual plots. Majority of the respondents (77.5%) indicated that individual water delivery systems provide sufficient water as compared to five years ago in the study areas. Although acknowledging that participation of individuals in water delivery systems has improved water supplies in the study areas, water users revealed some problems related to individual water delivery systems. These include high prices for water, poor sanitation and hygiene, unsafe and unclean water and inconvenient payment systems. To improve water supply systems government institutions, community and individuals should participate fully in water supply systems.enWater supplyEconomic policyDar es SalaamThe impact of policy and institutional framework in water delivery systems in the Dar es Salaam area: the case of Ubungo, Tabata and Segerea areasThesis