Ndelwa, Bupe Lusan2020-05-072020-05-072009Ndelwa, B. L (2009) The assessment of employee turnover in the telecommunications industry: the case of Tanzania Telecommunications Company limited, Dar es salaam, Master dissertation,University of Dar es Salaamhttp:// in print form, East Africana Collection, Dr. Wilbert Chagula Library, Class Mark (THS EAF HF5549.5.T8N753)At one end of the labour market extreme in the current globalized world, employee turnover is one of the major human resource challenges, while at the other, a strategy for employee retention calls for thorough-going creativity. The thrust of this study is to assess the reasons for persistent employee turnover in the telecommunications industry, the Tanzania Telecommunications Company Limited (TTCL) being a case study. Human research managers are endlessly investigating and monitoring the rationale for employees’ turnover and constantly initiate, develop, execute and monitor new strategies for their retention. My mission has primarily been driven by curiosity over why, in spite of retention strategies adopted by TTCL, some employees still leave the company. The Human resources Department at TTCL headquarters was the focus of the study, under which a total sample of 80 questionnaires were received from ex-TTCL employees. What emerged from the study, in a nutshell, is that factors influencing departure from TTCL include lack of career development and promotion, higher salaries offered by other organizations, poor management-worker communication, family matters, poor working environment rigid and bureaucratic organization structure. It is recommended that Managers should strike a judicious balance between control, enforcement of policies and procedures; and employee commitment.enEmployee turnoverTelecommunication industryTanzania Telecommunication Company LimitedThe assessment of employee turnover in the telecommunications industry: the case of Tanzania Telecommunications Company limited, Dar es salaamThesis