Igakinga, James Evarister2019-07-022020-01-082019-07-022020-01-082011Igakinga, J.E(2011) Application of the principle of indemnity to commercial motor insurance in Tanzania Law and Practice, 1967/68-2007/2008, master dissertation, University of Dar es Salaam(available at in print formThis work was to examine the application of the principle of indemnity to commercial motor insurance, Law and Practice here in Tanzania since 1967/68-2007/2008. The work is in five chapters and each chapter plays a significant role to this Dissertation. In Chapter one, the following are discussed: background to the problem, statement of the problem, research objective and justification, significance of the research, brief literature review, hypothesis, research methodology, as well as problems encountered during research, and preparation of this Dissertation. Chapter two discusses the Principle of Indemnity in Tanzania, Law and Practice. It is in this chapter where the following are discussed, such as, Introduction of Insurance to Tanganyika, Arusha Declaration and Insurance Industry in Tanzania, Dominance of National Insurance Corporation (NIC), Revival of Private Insurance Companies, as well as the Current Insurance Trend in Tanzania. Chapter three was to discuss the Application of the Principle of Indemnity and its underlying Principles. This chapter also discusses complications hindering the application of the principle of Indemnity. Chapter four gives an analysis of the data collected from both secondary and primary sources. The last chapter that is chapter five was to give the summary of findings, reflections and general conclusion. It is here where the findings from primary and secondary data collected are briefly summarized.enInsuranceIndemnityInsuranceAutomobileTanzaniaApplication of the principle of indemnity to commercial motor insurance in Tanzania Law and Practice, 1967/68-2007/2008Thesis