Jacob, Winfrida2020-04-242020-04-242017Jacob, W (2017), Contribution of school heads’ internal supervision to effective teaching and learning in moshi rural public secondary schools, Tanzania,Master dissertation, University of Dar es Salaam. Dar es Salaamhttp:// in print form, East Africana Collection, Dr. Wilbert Chagula Library, Class mark (THS EAF LB2831.926T34J32)The study assessed the contribution of school heads’ internal supervision to effective teaching and learning in Moshi Rural public secondary schools, Tanzania. Specifically, it examined the strategies heads of public secondary schools use to supervise teaching and learning; assessed contribution of the school heads’ supervision to effective teaching and learning; and explored challenges heads of public secondary schools face in the supervision of teaching and learning and how these challenges were overcome. The study used a mixed methods research approach and specifically a concurrent-triangulation design. Data were collected through questionnaires, interviews, focus group discussion and documentary review. The study used a sample comprising 1 WEO, 4 HOSs, four academic masters, 32 ordinary teachers and 80 students, who were selected using purposive and simple random sampling. Data analysis was done using SPSS Version 20 and content analysis. The study findings revealed that the strategies used by the school heads to supervise teaching and learning included checking teaching documents such as schemes of work, logbooks, lesson plans and class journals, visiting classrooms, walking around class rooms, providing feedback, conducting meetings and forming school academic committees. The findings discovered that HOSs also contributed to internal supervision through monitoring whether teachers adhered to the syllabus, helping teachers finish their topics on time, helping students study hard, ensuring the availability of teaching and learning materials, ensuring the availability of teaching aids, and helping to monitor students’ progress and conduct. On the other hand, the study revealed that school heads faced various challenges during internal supervision such as inadequate teaching and learning resources, lack of training on effective supervision, poor parental and community support, lack of commitment from some teachers, multiple and head teacher’s tasks, lack of co-operation from District Education Office, and teachers’ professional misconduct including drunkenness and absenteeism. Therefore, findings suggested that HOSs and other school management team should use teachers attendance register, guidance and counseling, delegation of powers, INSET for teachers, staff departmental meetings, warnings and reprimands, teachers’ lesson attendance to overcome challenges heads of public secondary schools faced in supervising teaching and learning. The study recommended that the heads of schools should not rely only on checking teaching documents during supervision. Rather, they should also focus on other areas such as teaching and learning process in the class, monitor teachers school attendance to reduce absenteeism problem, monitor students’ attendance and discipline issues, and ensure availability and effective use of teaching and learning materials. Similarly, school supervision should also focus on improving teachers’ knowledge and ability in their areas of expertise by encouraging peer supervision to equip teachers with new knowledge and skills to undertake their teaching subjects more effectively to enhance students’ learning outcomes.enSchool principalsSecondary schoolsMoshi regionTanzaniaContribution of school heads’ internal supervision to effective teaching and learning in moshi rural public secondary schools, TanzaniaThesis