Ramadhani, Aisha2021-10-112021-10-112019Ramadhani, A (2019). Classroom practices of cooperative learning in English subjects in public secondary schools in Bagamoyo District, Tanzania. Masters disertation, University of Dar es Salaam. Dar es Salaamhttp:// in print form,East Africana Collection ,Dr.Wilbert Chagula Library, Class mark (THS EAF LB1576.T34R352)This study focused on the classroom practices of cooperative learning in English subject in public secondary schools. The study involved four public secondary schools in Bagamoyo district, Tanzania. The objectives of the study were to establish teachers’ views of usefulness of cooperative learning in the classroom environment and to identify challenges encountered by teachers in implementing cooperative learning. The study employed qualitative research approach guided by multiple case study design. The study involved a sample of 40 participants including heads of schools, English subject teachers and students, who were selected by using purposive sampling techniques. Research data were collected through semi-structured interviews with teachers, focus group discussion with students, classroom observation (teachers and students) and documentary review, and then subjected to content analysis procedures. The findings of teachers’ views revealed that classroom practices of cooperative learning have positive impacts on students learning in English subject through employing self-confidence, critical thinking and competence to the learners. Moreover the findings indicated that the use of various strategies such as group discussion, demonstration, debate, role play as well as question and answers in teaching and learning process has had a positive impact on students’ in English subject. Also the study found that classroom practices of cooperative learning in teaching and learning was confronted by various challenges such as language barrier, poor support from parents, insufficient teaching and learning materials, teachers’ poor academic qualifications, teachers’ incompetence, rigidity of timetable and poor teaching motivation among English teachers. Based on the research findings, the study concludes that more strategies are needed in order to apply cooperative learning in teaching and learning process. The study recommended that there should be deliberate efforts by the government to solve the challenges encountered by teachers in implementing cooperative learningenEnglish languageClassroom learningEducationStudy and teachingPublic schoolsSecondary, TanzaniaClassroom practices of cooperative learning in English subjects in public secondary schools in Bagamoyo District, TanzaniaThesis