Temu, Rufin Leon2021-04-092021-04-092018Temu, Rufin Leon (2018) Assessment of the Effectiveness of Quality Management Practice in Road Construction Projects: the Case of Dar es Salaam City, Master dissertation, university of Dar es Salaamhttp:// in print form, East Africana Collection, Dr. Wilbert Chagula Library, Class mark (THS EAF TE175.T34T458)The main objective of this study was to assess effectiveness of quality management practices in road construction projects. Specifically, the study was meant to evaluate the level of effectiveness of QM Practice, factors that influence the effectiveness of QM Practice, and to analyze and propose strategies to enhance the effectiveness of QM practice in road construction project. The research study adopted survey research design, and techniques used for data collection were questionnaire, observation, interview, and documentary review. The sample size was 70 respondents and data collected were analyzed through qualitative and quantitative techniques. The findings of research study show that, the level of effectiveness of QM practices in road construction projects is low, many factors affect the effectiveness of quality management practices in road construction projects and absence of continuous training and development of professionals involved in construction of the roads is a problem. Control activities are very essential in ensuring that complaints are solved in any organization. Disciplining staff implicated in wrong doings was found to help to implement quality parameters. It was also found that other related construction activities help to improve quality management practices. The study recommends that there must be staff training and development on tendering activities. Employment of professional and competent staff should be always exercised and inspection of each and every item to be received. This will help to improve the required quality of the roads in Dar es Salaam city.enRoadsDesign and constructionManagementDar es SalaamTanzaniaAssessment of the Effectiveness of QualityManagement Practice in Road Construction Projects: the Case of Dar es Salaam CityThesis