Mangachi, Msuya Waldi2020-06-162020-06-161988Mangachi, M.W (1988) The present conjuncture in the South African Liberation struggle: intensification of the armed and mass struggles: University of Dar es Salaam faculty of Arts and Social Sciences.Master dissertation, University of Dar es Salaam, Dar es Salaam. in printed form, East Africana Collection, Dr. Wilbert Chagula Library, Class mark (THS EAF DT763.S6M3)What is the nature of the South African conflict? What are the main characteristics of the present struggle? What is the configuration of class forces and the alliances they spawn in the struggle? What are the options open to the liberation movements and the frontline states in the struggle against South African repression and oppression? What is the role of the international community in the struggle? These are the main questions that we set to discuss in this dissertation. This study provides first a historical background and theoretical framework in the order to provide a coherent explanation of the crisis. The study adopts the Marxian theory of class struggle as applied in a settler colonial situation such as South Africa. This view stresses that the national situation such as South Africa. This view stresses that the national Liberation struggle seeks the transfer of political power from the minority white settlers (the white ruling class) to the majority Africans. In the South African situation the African masses are struggling to dismantle (to smash) the apartheid system. The main characteristic of this struggle is the popular alliance of all the forces that are opposed to colonial oppression and apartheid and the intensification of armed struggle. The struggle is thus based on a dialectical combination of the political struggle and armed struggle. We have dispersed the struggle into the early wars of resistance and the passive resistance phases in order to show their interconnections with the present phase of armed struggle. Chapter II examines the conditions which favored the intensification of the mass and armed struggles in the 1970-1980 decade. The main factors were (i) the decision by the National.enNational liberation movementsSouth AfricaRace relationsPolitics and GovernmentApartheidThe present conjuncture in the South African Liberation struggle: intensification of the armed and mass struggles: University of Dar es Salaam faculty of Arts and Social SciencesThesis