Nyamwinuka, Abeidy Kyembela2020-06-012020-06-012006Nyamwinuka, A. K. (2006) Strategies for enhancing maintenance of national housing corporation’s real estate properties, Master dissertation, University of Dar es Salaam, Dar es Salaamhttp:// in print form, East Africana Collection, Dr. Wilbert Chagula Library, Class mark (THS EAF HD7282.7.N92)There is, and, it has been, an obvious situation whereby comments have been aired out by the tenants and the general public that the properties of the NHC have been neglected for many years without any repairs or maintenance. The NHC, the biggest landlord in Tanzania, owns properties almost in every region all over the country that are suffering from a number of adverse conditions. This has resulted in the properties to fall into dilapidated conditions. This has resulted in the properties to fall into dilapidated condition. It is the purpose of this research to study the problems the NHC is facing in maintaining its properties and come out with a proposal of strategies that can help to enhance the maintenance of those properties. The research methodology adopted for this study includes direct interviews and questionnaires that were administered to stakeholders based in Dar es Salaam region. The dissertation is presented in six chapters. Chapter one gives an introduction to the NHC, nature and scope of the study. Chapter two discusses the literature review. Chapter three looks into different potential intervention initiatives and develops a model. Chapter four presents the research findings. Chapter five discusses the results of research findings and uses the model to develop strategies. Chapter six presents recommendations and conclusion. The study found out that the plight of the maintenance of the real estate properties of the NHC is characterized with problems that are interwoven in a complex manner. The researchers used the strategic used the strategies choice analysis to structure and solve the problems. The study recommended that the Management of the NHC should take a leading role in addressing the plight of maintenance of its properties.enHousing, cooperativeRehabilitation, housing developmentReal estate managementTanzaniaStrategies for enhancing maintenance of national housing corporation’s real estate propertiesThesis