Simwanza, Alfa2020-12-042020-12-042018Simwanza, A (Strategies employed secondary schools administrators to develop physical education and sport in Kinondoni Municipality, Masters dissertation, University of Dar es Salaam, Dar es Salaam. in print form, East Africana Collection, Dr.Wilbert Chagula Library, class mark (THS EAF GV204.T34S545)The purpose of this study was to explore the strategies employed by secondary school administrators to develop physical education and spo1is in Kinondoni Municipality. The study was guided by four objectives: ( 1) to determine secondary school administrators' role in ensuring the availability or material resources for PE and sports; (2) to establish the ways used by school administrators lo appropriate funds for PE and Sports: (3) to explore strategic used by secondary schools administrators to motivate teachers and students to be involved in PE and sports and (4) to determine the ways used by secondary schools administrators i n securing community support to develop PE and sports. The stud y used qualitative research approach informed by multiple case study design in the process or collecting and analysing data. The study was conducted in Kinondoni municipality in Dar es Salaam . A total of 65 respondents were involved in the study, where by purposively sampling procedure was employed to choose school administrators and secondary schools to take part in the study. Data collection methods in this study were; interview: observation schedule, focus group discussion and documentary review. Data obtained where subjected to content analysis. Findings indicated that the strategies employed by school administrators to ensure the availability of material resources included organizing different sports events, requesting support from alumni as well as requesting support from sports stakeholders. In order to appropriate funds to develop PE and sports, head of schools used capitation grant from the govern L funds from schools' self-reliance projects, personal contributions from heads of school and the management team, contribution from sponsors and non-governmental institutions as well as requesting support from community members. It was also found that school administration employed various strategies to motivate teachers and students to be involved in PE and sports such as selecting teachers to attend spo11s events, awarding and appreciating teachers, involving teachers in decision making, setting time for PE and sports, provision of resources and delegation of power, identifying and developing students' talents, acknowledging of students who performed well in sports activities, organising different competitions and emphasising on the importance of PE and sports. The findings also indicated school administrators secured community support to develop PE and sports though organising special day for sports which involved community members, requesting the use of community sports facilities, inviting community members to teach PE and sports in schools and requesting parents and guardians to support students to participate in PE and sports. The study concluded that school administrators need to be creative enough so as to develop PE and sports. It was recommended that school administrators should make sure that the received money and material resources from the government, sponsors and other spo1is stakeholders are properly used for PE and sports related activities. It was further recommended to conduct a study on the influence of schools administrators' attitudes towards PE and sports development so as to inquire the impacts of schools administrators ' attitudes in developing PE and sports.enPhysical educationEducation secondaryKinondoni municipalityStrategies employed secondary schools administrators to develop physical education and sports in Kinondoni MunicipalityThesis